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  • Nattokinase is a natural enzyme.
  • Can be absorbed by intestinatract when taken orally
  • It dissolves excess fibrin in blood vessels, which improves circulation, dissolves blood clots
  • Reduces the risk of serious clotting
  • Increases HDL(good cholesterol), optimizes cholesterolevels and has no side effects.
  • Decreases blood viscosity, which in turn improves blood flow and subsequently lowers blood pressure
  • Exerts “considerably stronger thrombolytic activity” comparable to that of another well- known blood thinner: aspirin, a remedy known to trigger bleeding and gastric ulcers.
  • Although human body produces several enzymes for making blood clots, it produces only one enzyme — plasmin — for dissolving them. As ageing progress, the production of plasmin reduces and fibrin leveincreases making blood more prone to coagulation and clotting.”Nattokinase resembles plasmin and cleaves fibrin and dissolves the clot directly.

Livokinase I Nattokinase I 30 tablets

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